Turn Your Next Party into a Change the World Fundraiser!
Just about everyone wants to make a difference with their lives – they just don't always know how.
Fundraisers are a great way to raise awareness of important issues around the world, and the people you invite can make a big difference without even trying very hard – and while having a great time!
Fundraisers don't have to be big or complicated to be effective. You would be amazed at the difference you can make by just holding your next party with a purpose! A group in Bristol, England had a Halloween Party and at the same time raised awareness of the crisis in Darfur, Sudan. They had a great time and raised well over a thousand dollars!
The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and creativity, but here are a few ideas:
Hold a "Birthday Party" for orphaned children and ask people to write cards and make donations to help with their support. Everyone will feel good about themselves and an abandoned child will know that someone thousands of miles away cares about them! $30 can help provide a child with full room, board and tuition for one month.
Hold a "Garden Party" and ask guests to help plant a village garden in Africa. $50 can help plant a community garden that will provide fresh vegetables for up to 40 families.
Hold a "Water Party" and ask guests to help fund a community water project in Africa or Afghanistan. A water tank or well will provide thousands of people with access to safe water for the life of the well -- usually 20 to 25 years -- at a cost of only pennies a day.
More Fund-Raising Ideas
- A chorale group donated a portion of every ticket sold during a concert series, which raised over $1,700 for tsunami relief (thank you, Sonoma Valley Chorale!)
- A church youth group inspired their church to raise over $16,000 for tsunami relief (thank you, Little Country Church of Redding!)
- A spin class in the Hamptons raised over $11,000 for tsunami relief (thank you, Marion and fellow spinners!). And that's just scratching the surface!