Begin Your Life’s Legacy of Miracles Today!
Have you ever wondered if you have had a hand in helping create a Miracle for others? Ever wondered if some people look up to you as their Hero? Well, if you are a Donor to Children’s Hunger Relief Fund the answer is YES! All over the world children are given miracles everyday thanks to the help of CHRF Donors and supporters. These children have been helped and guarded by their Heroes and guardian Angels, the CHRF Donors and Team. Because of Children’s Hunger Relief Fund and our amazing team of Donors many children have been taken off of the streets and given shelter, food, an education and most importantly, compassion and love. Children can drink clean water from their local water wells instead of having to walk miles and miles to find water that won’t make them sick. The Miracle of Health has been provided all around the world by the different medical clinics that CHRF has worked closely with to provide the sick and wounded children with care and protection. Almost every religion and philosophy of the world has a story to the Good Samaritan. A message that relates the principle of the Golden Rule, that is, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. We believe that one of the most important parts of living your life is creating your legacy, what you will be remembered by and for to those you have shared your life with. Now Children’s Hunger Relief Fund has set up a Planned Giving Program that allows you the opportunity to create a Legacy of Miracles that will keep on helping providing children with these modern day miracles of Clean Water, Food, Health, shelter and education. Many of our lifetime donors and partners have chosen to create a Legacy of Miracles by making CHRF a beneficiary to their will. Ordinary people like teachers, church pastors as well as Mothers and Fathers have all become Saints and Heroes to many children around the world by creating a Legacy of Miracles that has helped provide children with the love, compassion and support that they so desperately needed in life. Read more stores of our Saints and Heroes and find out more about Planned Giving and how to set up your Legacy of Miracles today at ( !