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CHRF Returns to Provide Children & Families Meals in Ethiopia.

Dr. Monte Wilson, Board Member and Director for Children's Hunger Relief Fund for over 20 years, just returned from delivering aid to Ethiopia with the CHRF International Crisis Relief Team. His report on his trip is written to you below:
"After doing this work for over 40 years, the fact is nothing actually prepares you for what you are going to see, either mentally or emotionally.
There is a fine line between isolating your feelings from what you are seeing so that you can get the job done, and turning your feelings off, altogether. One of the things I learned 30 years ago was that the gift of your full presence is as valuable as the aid you are bringing. The suffering feel invisible and worthless: if I deliver this food as if I were offloading feed for cattle, I dishonor them and the God whom I serve.
“And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor … but have not love, it profits me nothing.”
Look this mother in the eyes: do not turn away from the terror and grief you see in her demeanor, as she thrusts her infant into your arms. “Please care. Please help. Please give me hope.”
One of the thousands of children suffering in Ethiopia that we have helped together.
One of the thousands of children suffering in Ethiopia that we have helped together.
Don’t walk around in a bubble: touch people. Hold the screaming malnourished child in your arms and speak words of love and hope to her as you would your own daughter.
Sit down in the mud and play with the children. Make them laugh because there are few things more medicinal for all of us than hearing the laughter of children.
I think of all of this, as we drive down into the southern mountain region of Ethiopia. Day one, we spent over 8 hours traveling 200 miles. These are nerve-wracking roads with people, children so malnourished that they have lied down and fallen asleep in the middle of the road, cattle, donkey-drawn carts, more children, goats, dogs, horses, and truck drivers crazed with chewing chut, all “sharing” the road.
This little boy suffers from Malnourishment.
This little girl suffers from Malnourishment.
When we pull up to the field for our first delivery, we get out of the truck and then we walk around the building and see what we have seen too many times: hundreds of desperate mothers and weeping children.
A village gathering for the food distribution.
A village gathering for the food distribution.
On this trip alone we are bringing 90 tons of love and hope for 5 villages. There is 56 tons of wheat that families will use for making 100 gram loaves of bread: 25 kgs per family, 2260 families at a cost of $23 per family. They will eat for months! Yes, a meal out here consists of bread and water.  The response of the people is such that you’d think we were passing out steak dinners.
Hundreds of Thousands of meals are passed out to five villages by the CHRF team in Ethiopia.
Hundreds of Thousands of meals are passed out to five villages by the CHRF team in Ethiopia.
We also are delivering 34 tons of seeds to 152 farmers. These farmers will reap 228 tons of wheat this year. They will give a percentage of their harvest to “the less fortunate,” keep enough to support and feed their families for the year, and have enough seeds to plant again next year. (Imagine planting 2 ½ acres, one seed at a time, measuring from finger tip to elbow.) Talking with these men each of them noted what, for them, was the most exciting thing: they will be able to send their children to school. Hope for the next generation! Such love and hope only costs $29 per family.
Thank you for bringing Hope the the Hopeless.
Thank you for bringing Hope the the Hopeless.
These photos are of a handful of the suffering people we encountered. Remember: there are millions of such people, not only here in Ethiopia, but across Africa."
Donors like YOU make life-saving trips like this one by CHRF possible! Thank you for not ignoring the need around the world, thank you for making a difference in the lives of others, even if you've never met them, thank you for bringing Hope the the Hopeless.

0 Comments on “CHRF Returns to Provide Children & Families Meals in Ethiopia.”

  1. That there are organized efforts to undertake such a long and difficult journey to help feed hungry strangers and their children restores some measure of self respect to the human race. We should all continue to ask ourselves how can we help keep these efforts alive?

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