Millions of Meals Served With Our Partners CHRF is a 501(c)3 Organization - Your Gifts are Tax Deductible. Toll free: (888) 781-1585

Tag Archives: Children Youth and Family

Bringing your compassion to children in the Philippines:

This Summer Children’s Hunger Relief Fund sent our international team to the Philippines where, through the generosity of our compassionate donors, CHRF is providing millions of dollars worth of valuable medicines to clinics and hospitals as well a ...Continue reading

CHRF Returns to Provide Children & Families Meals in Ethiopia.

Dr. Monte Wilson, Board Member and Director for Children's Hunger Relief Fund for over 20 years, just returned from delivering aid to Ethiopia with the CHRF International Crisis Relief Team. His report on his trip is written to you below:
...Continue reading

New CHRF Videos: Saving Lives, Returning Hope

Together, with the help of our compassionate donors, CHRF has remained consistent to our mission of feeding and providing for hungry and desperate children worldwide. Please take a few short minutes to watch our two new videos on two important issue ...Continue reading

Ethiopia Update: Accomplishing Our Mission Together

Over 125,000 Meals provided, 3 Villages Saved, 5,000 Fed & 1,000s of prayers answered! Recently, thanks to the generous and compassionate giving of our donors, we were able to c ...Continue reading

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