Thanksgiving Special: YOU are the reason children have love.
Every Thanksgiving we are reminded to appreciate and give thanks for all the good things in our lives. Family, friends, food, a safe place to sleep at night, clean water, clothing - these are just a few of the everyday gems in most of our lives that many times we can take for granted. But it is because not all children and families around the world live with these granted “necessities” that Children’s Hunger Relief Fund exists. Because of YOUR generous and compassionate heart, and the generosity of thousands of other donors like you, CHRF seeks to serve the children and families around the world that everyone else has forgotten, forsaken or given up on. Children walking for miles with bare feet to gather a jug of water from a dirty river stream in Africa. A group of brothers and sisters living out in the cold snowy mountains of Afghanistan orphaned by the fighting. A grandmother in Uganda having to take care of FIFTEEN of her grandchildren after their parents (her children) had all died from HIV AIDS. These are the stories that break our hearts and inspire our purpose to bring the warmth and healing of God’s love into these children’s lives. After receiving the warmth and comfort of CHRF’s support, thanks to the benevolent hearts of our donors, the Grandmother looking after fifteen of her grandchildren living in Uganda wrote to thank us this Thanksgiving. Our project manager Reverend Emma revealed to us that she has been brought to tears of joy after receiving the support that CHRF has helped provide her grandchildren. Many days and nights there would only be enough food for about seven cups of porridge for the fifteen children. To make things incomprehensibly worse, that half-cup of porridge was the only meal the children would receive for the entire day. But now with the orphanage in Uganda helping look after these fifteen beautiful children, we can assure them a healthy and steady meal every day. God’s mercy and love have been provided to this incredible family after having suffered one of the greatest losses a child can bear, the death of their parents. We hope you can visit our blog again soon as we prepare to send off our international relief team to Ghana and wait to share their report. This Thanksgiving we here at Children’s Hunger Relief Fund are so thankful for every donor that has committed to taking a stand against allowing the suffering of innocent children to continue. Together we are making a difference in the world, one child at a time.